Unternehmen /
Neuhaus Neotec
Neuhaus Neotec Kaffee
Food Processing
Ralf Torenz was officially appointed Managing Director in June of this year and is now in charge of the company's fortunes together with Managing Partner Dr Victoria Behrmann.
Ralf Torenz has been working for Neuhaus Neotec for more than 23 years and has been in charge of sales, R&D and project management for the past few years. He is therefore very familiar with the market requirements and maintains many personal contacts with the company's customers.
Torenz has set himself several tasks for the coming period in his position: Firstly, he will continue to drive forward the standardisation of the roasting series to further optimise the cost structure. Secondly, in addition to RFB hot-air roasting technology, for which Neuhaus Neotec has become synonymous, he wants to place greater emphasis on drum roasting technology in order to position Neuhaus Neotec as the first point of contact when it comes to advanced technical solutions - independent of the roasting philosophy.